

[13] Gilad, Sharon, Michael Freedman, and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2024. "Citizens’ Communication Styles in Written Public Encounters". (Forthcoming at Perspectives on Public Management and Governance) Conditional Acceptance.

[12] Overbeck, Maximilian, Tali Aharoni, Christian Baden, Michael Freedman, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt. 2024. "Divining Elections: Religious Citizens’ Political Projections and Electoral Turnout in Israel and France". (Forthcoming at International Journal of Public Opinion Research). 

[11] Freedman, Michael. 2023. "Earnings, Cohort Effects, and Inter-Generational Inequality: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study". (Forthcoming at Review of Income and Wealth). 

[10] Karell, Daniel, Michael Freedman, and Noam Gidron. 2023. "Analyzing Text and Images in Digital Communication: The Case of Securitization in American White Supremacist Online Discourse". (Forthcoming at Socius). 

[9] Freedman, Michael and Esteban Klor. 2022. "Indiscriminate Violence, Political Radicalization, and Backlash". Journal of Conflict Resolution. (link)

[8] Christia, Fotini, Spyros I. Zoumpoulis, Michael Freedman, Leon Yao, and Ali Jadbabaie. 2022 "The Effects of Drone Strikes on Cellphone Communication in Yemen". Political Science Research Methods 10(2), 419-427. (pdf) (link) (replication materials)

[7] Dekeyser, Elizabeth and Michael Freedman. 2021. ''Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe". (Political Behaviour) (pdf) (link(replication materials)

[6] Freedman, Michael. 2020. "Vote with Your Rabbi: The Electoral Effects of Religious Institutions in Israel." Electoral Studies 68. (pdf) (link)

[5] Karell, Daniel and Michael Freedman. 2020. "Sociocultural Mechanisms of Conflict: Combining Topic and Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models in an Analysis of Afghanistan, 1979-2001". Poetics 78. (pdf) (link)

[4] Karell, Daniel and Michael Freedman. 2019. "Rhetorics of Radicalism." American Sociological Review 84(4). (pdf) (link) (replication materials)

[3] Freedman, Michael. 2019. "Fighting from the Pulpit: Religious Leaders and Violent Conflict in Israel." Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(10): 2262-2288. (pdf) (link) (replication materials)

[2] Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Sharon Gilad, and Michael Freedman. 2017. "Does Exposure to Other Cultures Affect the Impact of Economic Globalization on Gender Equality?" International Political Science Review 38(3): 378-395. (pdf)

[1] Freedman, Michael, Or Kaner, and Irena Kaplan. 2014. "Voting for Extreme Right Parties in Israel: Evidence from the 2009 Elections." Electoral Studies 34: 68-77. (pdf)

Other Writings

Freedman, Michael. 2020. ``No Longer Sacred: Religious Post-Zionist Beliefs about the State of Israel,'' POMEPS Studies 41, 59-63. (link)


Freedman, Michael. 2020. ``Religious Authority and Political Instability in Israel,'' MENA Politics Newsletter, 3(1), 27-29. (link)


Freedman, Michael.  ''Repeat elections in Israel may not be enough to overcome religious divisions'' Monkey Cage, June 7, 2019.

Dekeyser, Elizabeth and Michael Freedman.  "What 500 elections in 28 European countries can tell us about the effects of anti-immigration rhetoric" Monkey Cage, October 30, 2018.
Freedman, Michael.  "Why are Israel's religious parties suddenly so influential." Monkey Cage, January 26, 2018.

Working Papers

"Religious Authority and Political Compromise: Experimental Evidence from Religious Leaders in Israel" (with Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom).