[13] Gilad, Sharon, Michael Freedman, and Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. 2024. "Citizens’ Communication Styles in Written Public Encounters". (Forthcoming at Perspectives on Public Management and Governance) Conditional Acceptance.
[12] Overbeck, Maximilian, Tali Aharoni, Christian Baden, Michael Freedman, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt. 2024. "Divining Elections: Religious Citizens’ Political Projections and Electoral Turnout in Israel and France". (Forthcoming at International Journal of Public Opinion Research).
[11] Freedman, Michael. 2023. "Earnings, Cohort Effects, and Inter-Generational Inequality: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study". (Forthcoming at Review of Income and Wealth).
[10] Karell, Daniel, Michael Freedman, and Noam Gidron. 2023. "Analyzing Text and Images in Digital Communication: The Case of Securitization in American White Supremacist Online Discourse". (Forthcoming at Socius).
[9] Freedman, Michael and Esteban Klor. 2022. "Indiscriminate Violence, Political Radicalization, and Backlash". Journal of Conflict Resolution. (link)
[8] Christia, Fotini, Spyros I. Zoumpoulis, Michael Freedman, Leon Yao, and Ali Jadbabaie. 2022 "The Effects of Drone Strikes on Cellphone Communication in Yemen". Political Science Research Methods 10(2), 419-427. (pdf) (link) (replication materials)
[7] Dekeyser, Elizabeth and Michael Freedman. 2021. ''Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe". (Political Behaviour) (pdf) (link) (replication materials)
[6] Freedman, Michael. 2020. "Vote with Your Rabbi: The Electoral Effects of Religious Institutions in Israel." Electoral Studies 68. (pdf) (link)
[5] Karell, Daniel and Michael Freedman. 2020. "Sociocultural Mechanisms of Conflict: Combining Topic and Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models in an Analysis of Afghanistan, 1979-2001". Poetics 78. (pdf) (link)
[4] Karell, Daniel and Michael Freedman. 2019. "Rhetorics of Radicalism." American Sociological Review 84(4). (pdf) (link) (replication materials)
[3] Freedman, Michael. 2019. "Fighting from the Pulpit: Religious Leaders and Violent Conflict in Israel." Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(10): 2262-2288. (pdf) (link) (replication materials)
[2] Ben-Nun Bloom, Pazit, Sharon Gilad, and Michael Freedman. 2017. "Does Exposure to Other Cultures Affect the Impact of Economic Globalization on Gender Equality?" International Political Science Review 38(3): 378-395. (pdf)
[1] Freedman, Michael, Or Kaner, and Irena Kaplan. 2014. "Voting for Extreme Right Parties in Israel: Evidence from the 2009 Elections." Electoral Studies 34: 68-77. (pdf)
Other Writings
Freedman, Michael. 2020. ``No Longer Sacred: Religious Post-Zionist Beliefs about the State of Israel,'' POMEPS Studies 41, 59-63. (link)
Freedman, Michael. 2020. ``Religious Authority and Political Instability in Israel,'' MENA Politics Newsletter, 3(1), 27-29. (link)
Freedman, Michael. ''Repeat elections in Israel may not be enough to overcome religious divisions'' Monkey Cage, June 7, 2019.
Working Papers